How to deal with debt
When you don’t have enough money coming in to cover all the things you have to pay out, it can be really worrying. It might not be easy or quick, but debt and financial concerns can be overcome. We share some information and advice on how you can start to get out of debt. Learn more about:

Keeping warm this winter
A mixture of Brexit, the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and inflation have sent everyday costs soaring, especially energy bills. That’s why we’ve put together our tips on insulating your home, keeping warm in the most cost-efficient way and where to find more support if you need it.

Workplace Depression: What It Is And How To Deal With It
If you feel depressed when working, you’re not alone. On this page we will look at how and why depression can impact your work life and how your job can affect your mental health and wellbeing.

Depression: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Support - Ben
Depression could affect any of us at any time, with one in five people in the UK reporting feeling depressed or anxious, so, if you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone.

How to eat well on a budget
Lots of people are concerned about the rising cost of their weekly food shop, and are looking at ways they might be able to save money, while still eating well. We've put together some tips to help

Food can fuel sleep
Did you know that what you eat and drink can also impact how you sleep? Find out more

Reduce your living costs
Tips, advice and tools to help you reduce your living costs and make big savings. If you're struggling to make ends meet - we can help

How to support a child who is grieving
It can be really hard for children to cope with the loss of a loved one and to process everything they are feeling – here are some ways to help a child when they are grieving

What do our mind and body have in common with a car?
Like your car, your body needs good care to keep it running well

Cheap ways to get fit
Getting fit and staying active doesn’t have to involve shelling out for expensive classes or gym memberships

Let's get physical
Increase your physical activity to help you stay fit, strong and healthy. This will also help boost your mental health

Coping with nerves
We all feel nervous or anxious sometimes but there are tips and techniques you can use to help you cope and manage nervousness

Tips to deal with stress
Stress happens when we have too much pressure. Use these top tips to feel more in control

Top tips to deal with pressure
We all have pressure, those things we have to deal with every day – at home and work. Use these tips to help you manage pressure effectively

Using breathing to reduce stress
Breathing deeply can reduce your stress and anxiety levels. When you breathe deeply you improve your heart rate, reduce the stress on your body and even lower your blood pressure

Creating your CV
A CV is a document that acts as an overview of your skills, education, and work experience. Find out how to create a great CV to help you get your next job

Cover letters
A cover letter is a letter you send with your CV when you apply for a job. It's an opportunity for you to highlight your skills and experience & should be tailored for each job

Tips to prepare for an interview so you feel confident and ready