For me

Men's health

Let’s normalise asking for help. Let’s normalise visiting the doctor. Let’s support each other and prevent the preventable.

Here are the biggest health issues affecting men, what to look out for and where to go if you need help.  

Top 3 issues affecting Men's Health

According to our recent survey stress, poor sleep and anxiety are the biggest health issues affecting men in our automotive industry. So, if you're struggling with any of these - you're not alone. We've pulled together top tips and advice to help us all boost our overall health & wellbeing in these areas. Click on the stats below to find out more. Our top 3 findings are...

If you'd like to find out more click here to read the survey report in full.

Other health challenges faced by men

Suicide and prostate cancer are important issues that affect men.

Men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than women and prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among males. Let's prevent the preventable

Let's normalise asking for help

Men can be notorious for avoiding reaching out for help. 1 in 3 (33%) men who participated in our survey, said they did not seek support for their health and wellbeing in the last 12 months. This has increased by 5% from our 2021 survey!

We want to change this... let’s normalise asking for help. Let’s normalise going for a check-up. Let’s support each other - and Ben is always here to help

We've got your back

Find out more about the services we provide and how we can help

How we can help you

Other health issues affecting men

A doctor checking someone's blood pressure with a pulse ohmmeter.
Heart disease
A person in a car manufacturing setting struggling with back pain.
Back pain
A homeless person with their hood up and rucksack on walking at dusk

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