
Prostate cancer

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that sits underneath the bladder and helps to make semen. The prostate gland usually grows bigger as you get older. 


Who is at risk?

Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, and your risk increases with age. The risk is even higher for black men and men with a family history of prostate cancer. A man whose father or brother has had the disease is 2.5 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than a man with no family history, so it’s important to be extra vigilant if a close relative has been diagnosed. Check your risk level here in 30 seconds.


What are the signs and symptoms to look out for?

Most men with early prostate cancer don’t have any signs or symptoms. But there are some things that may mean you’re more likely to get prostate cancer, which we have outlined above.

A total of 37% of prostate cancer cases are diagnosed late making it more difficult to treat. So, look out for changes in the way you pee. If you have a weak flow, notice blood in your urine, struggle to empty your bladder or experience an increased or sudden need to urinate, visit your GP to get your symptoms checked out. 

And, if you’re not sure how to start the conversation with your GP - print and fill out this form to help.


GP checks

There is no single test to diagnose prostate cancer. But, there are a few simple tests that your GP can do to find out if you have a prostate problem. The main tests include a urine test to rule out a urine infection and a prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test which can help indicate prostate cancer.

Getting checked early on can make all the difference, as Derren found out.


Living with prostate cancer

Approximately 400,000 men are living with and after prostate cancer in the UK. Living with prostate cancer can affect your everyday life, work and relationships. Even if you've stopped treatment you might still have side effects, and worry about your cancer coming back.

Staying as healthy as possible plays an important role. A healthy diet and regular physical activity are important for general health and can help you stay at a healthy weight. This may be particularly important if you have prostate cancer.

You can live a long time with prostate cancer. If you catch and treat it early, you might even be able to cure it. 


If you're worried about your physical health, mental health or wellbeing, get in touch. You can call us free on 08081 311333 or chat with us online.

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