Will: I started working for a large car dealer and, like anyone else, I was excited about my new challenge and had high hopes. I had also recently started seeing my girlfriend Pammy, so life was good.
But it wasn’t long before I realised there was an excessive focus on hitting sales targets and, as I was new, it was something I struggled with. I also have Dyslexia, which didn’t help, but the company knew about that and still offered me the job. Work quickly became a struggle, and the thought of going in each day filled me with fear. I couldn’t escape that feeling either, and within a couple of months I had gone from being positive to living with the symptoms of anxiety and depression on a daily basis.
Pammy: When Will got ill very suddenly with panic disorder and anxiety, I felt very alone and really worried about him. I suffered with anxiety and panic attacks myself over ten years ago and I can remember how hard it was before I got help, so I knew exactly what Will was going through. I was trying desperately to find some support for him and was frantically researching charities that could help.
Will: I knew something wasn’t right and, after 6 months, I had to find a way out, for Pammy’s sake as well as mine. I went to my GP and, after talking it through, it was clear that work was causing my severe anxiety. I was given medication but it made me feel very strange, almost like I was high, so eventually I had to take time off work. It was around that time that Pammy had done some research online and had found Ben.
Pammy: As Will was really suffering, I contacted Ben’s helpline on his behalf. I felt like I had someone in my corner at last! Will’s GP is lovely and supportive but we were limited by the support available through the NHS.
Will: After Pammy contacted the helpline, I spoke to them and it was extremely positive. We live in a rural area, so it wasn’t easy to find a match for counselling, but Ben found someone and, within a month, I had my first appointment with them.
Pammy: The Helpline team were brilliant – they worked tirelessly to find a counsellor to take on Will’s case. It was such a relief for me as I couldn’t bear to see Will suffer anymore. The Ben team was always so understanding and gave us regular updates throughout the process.
Will: Since I started seeing the counsellor I have certainly improved and my mood is more positive. I was still affected by the thought of returning to work, so I decided not to go back. It was a chance to start afresh and, although it will take a while, I’m slowly getting better. I still have the support of my GP, the help I receive from Ben and my wonderful partner Pammy.
Pammy: It’s a long journey with any severe mental health condition and I’d be lying if I said Will was cured. This said, having the support of Ben and being able to access professional help when he’s needed it most has been a godsend. I honestly can’t thank the charity enough, frankly I just don’t know what I would have done without the team at Ben.