Stories from our automotive family

John's story

John was struggling to pay his rent after suffering two strokes which left him unable to work…

“I had suffered two strokes and I couldn’t work but I was only entitled to statutory sick pay which led to me having a bit of a breakdown. My manager at work spoke to me about Ben and completed the referral for support on my behalf.

“Straight away, the Ben team were reassuring and offered me some initial help, checking if I needed food. My Case Manager completed a full assessment with me and talked me through everything. She was very understanding and supported me through everything I needed to complete, as I’m not great with IT.  She helped me claim all the correct benefits and support with my rent payments whilst I was waiting on the benefits to come through. She also worked with another charity to support me with my rent payments.

“My Case Manager checked in with me regularly to make sure everything was ok and that the benefit claims were in process. Ben’s support meant everything to me. I wouldn’t have been able to complete all the benefit claims without my Case Manager’s help. Knowing that I didn’t have to worry about paying my rent was a big weight off my shoulders. Otherwise, I would have really struggled to get the right support that I needed.

“Things are going well now. I’ve just put a claim in for Employment and Support Allowance and the future is looking better than it was. It’s not a quick fix health-wise but I’m getting there. I know to ask for help if I need it in the future so I don’t get so stressed out. 

“If you need support from Ben, just do it. I have sung Ben’s praises to people at work!”

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