
Therapeutic referral consent form

Take me to the Therapeutic Consent Form

Hello – you have been sent a link to this page so that you can give us consent to share your details with partners we work with who provide specialist services.

We need your consent to make any therapeutic referral on your behalf, this could be to access internal or external services. 

We are required by law, under the GDPR, to have your consent to do this. We will store your information safely and securely. Once this information is no longer needed we will destroy it. You can learn more about how we store and use personal data by reading our privacy statement.

Please complete the form, read the consent statement and tick the box if you are happy to give your consent. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an email from us to confirm that we have received your consent.

Thank you!


Therapeutic consent form

Your personal information consent: Ben collects sensitive personal information when you register with us for care, support and guidance. Our services can include referrals to third parties who provide counselling. The company that provides these services may process and retain your information while building a support plan and delivering any services. If referred, you may ask them about the storage of this information at any time. As discussed, we require your consent to make any therapeutic referral on your behalf, this could be to access internal or external services. By ticking the box below, you give your explicit consent to Ben to share your information with referral partners who provide counselling, and confirm that you have read and accept the terms stated. We will always treat any personal data that you share with us with the utmost care and security. For further information please see our privacy policy: Privacy Policy

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