About SilverCloud
SilverCloud uses an evidence based, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach which focuses on the relationship between our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. SilverCloud can also help you develop positive coping strategies to better deal with life’s challenges.
There are lots of different programs available on SilverCloud. Programs are called ‘spaces’ and each space has a range of interactive tools such as videos, activities, quizzes, audio guides as well as a personal online support journal.
You can use SilverCloud on your own (self-help) or you can choose to be supported as you work through your chosen program(s). You can work through the programs at your own pace, any time, on your computer, tablet or phone.
There are different SilverCloud programs available for adults (18yrs+) and for younger people (16yrs+). The programs are tailored to each group.
SilverCloud programs
For adults (18yrs+)
- Space for Sleep
- Space for Resilience
- Space from Alcohol
- Space from Anxiety
- Space from Social Anxiety
- Space from COVID-19
- Space from Depression
- Space from Depression & Anxiety
- Space from Health Anxiety
- Space from Money Worries
- Space from Stress
- Space for Mindfulness
For younger people (16yrs+)
- Space for Positive Body Image
- Space for Resilience
- Space from Anxiety
- Space from Depression
- Space for Mindfulness
This video explains more about SilverCloud and how you can use it to help you improve your mental health & wellbeing
Access SilverCloud
SilverCloud is free for anyone who works, or has worked, in the automotive industry. You can sign up and get started today:
Just follow the prompts and enter the access code ‘ben’ to get started.
To find out more about SilverCloud and how to use it, watch the short videos below.
Signing up is easy. This short video shows you how to sign up. Don't forget to add ben when you are prompted for the pin when you sign up!