
Top five practical tips for supporting employees with ADHD

  1. Keep tasks engaging

    Repetitive jobs can be a struggle for people with ADHD. Where possible, mix up tasks, provide problem-solving opportunities, or allow your employees to work in ways that keep them focused.
  2. Use visual and hands-on learning

    Written guides are useful, but ADHD brains absorb information better through practical demonstrations, quick-reference visuals, and real-time feedback.
  3. Manage distractions, not movement

    Expecting someone with ADHD to sit still or stay hyper-focused for hours is unrealistic. Encourage movement, fidgets, or short breaks to reset energy levels.
  4. Break work up

    Break work up into clear, timed steps or chunks. Big tasks can feel overwhelming for those with ADHD. Breaking jobs into stages with time goals can help staff with ADHD stay focused, on track and help them avoid getting lost in the details.
  5. Give instant and specific feedback

    Waiting until a performance review to give feedback doesn't work for employees with ADHD. People with ADHD brains respond best to immediate, specific feedback so they know what is working and what needs adjusting.

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