Donate by Text
A quick and easy way to give a one-off. Text donations will be added to your phone bill or taken from your pay as you go credit.
Text BENAUTO followed by your donation amount to 70450 to give that amount.
Obtain bill payer's permission. Age 16+. UK mobiles only. Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message, and you’ll be opting into hearing more from us. If you would like to donate but don't wish to hear more from us, please text BENAUTONOINFO instead.

Post your Donation
Send a cheque made payable to Ben to:
Ben Fundraising,
Lynwood Court, Lynwood Village, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 0FG.
If you haven't signed a Gift Aid declaration yet, you can do this easily using our online form. If you are eligible, Ben can claim an extra 25p back from every £1 you donate, at no extra charge to you.

Don't forget to Gift Aid
Turbo charge your donation by 25% for free!
Every gift you make to Ben, could be worth more, at no extra cost to you just by choosing to Gift Aid it.

Pay in Money
You can pay in your donation at your local Barclays or Post Office, to request a paying in slip contact our Supporter Relations Team on 01344 298135 or email SupporterRelations@Ben.org.uk
For further information or assistance with making your donation contact the team on 01344 298135 or email SupporterRelations@Ben.org.uk